
欧洲央行管委Kazaks:央行将讨论更大幅度的降息 但不确定性很高

European Central Bank committee member Kazaks: The central bank will discuss a larger interest rate cut, but the uncertainty is very high.

Breakings ·  Dec 2, 2024 19:47

European Central Bank committee member Martins Kazaks said that the European Central Bank may cut interest rates again next week. While policymakers are likely to discuss a larger than usual rate cut, they should proceed with caution. "We will definitely discuss this," the Latvian official said on Monday. "But one thing to keep in mind is that uncertainty remains high. We are still in a situation where many geopolitical risks still exist. We do not know how the US will implement tariff increases. We do not know, so we still have to be cautious."

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