Shanghai Tianchen announced that its fully-owned subsidiary Tianchen Nengke could not reach an agreement with Ningxia Yiyang regarding the payment methods and other relevant business conditions and contract terms for the current bid. Both parties have decided to terminate the aforementioned bidding project through negotiation and have signed an "Agreement." According to the agreement, effective from the date of signature, both parties will cease cooperation on the current bidding matter, will not sign a formal contract, and will no longer proceed with the work related to the bidding project. Both parties confirmed that since Party A did not collect the bid guarantee and bidding fees from Party B, there was no economic loss to Party B, and Party B also did not cause any economic loss to Party A. Terminating this bidding cooperation is a result of the company's efforts to control financial risk, protect the company's interests, and a mutual agreement between both parties. This matter will not affect the company's future global strategy and operational planning.
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Shanghai Tianchen: Fully-owned subsidiary's bid termination
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