
美国零售商迎战黑五购物季 美国黑五消费者人数或将破纪录

Retailers in the usa are gearing up for the Black Friday shopping season, and the number of consumers during the Black Friday in the usa may set a new record.

Breakings ·  Nov 29, 2024 23:15

This year, retail giants in the usa, such as walmart, amazon, target, and macy's, have begun their "Black Friday" promotions early and have extended the promotion period. Many consumers enjoy coming to the mall on "Black Friday" to experience the joy of shopping in a festive atmosphere. According to Reuters, the National Retail Federation in the usa estimates that about 85.6 million consumers will shop in physical stores this year, up from 76 million last year. The total number of consumers shopping online and offline will reach a record 0.1834 billion. (CCTV Finance)

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