
长安汽车:在“HIPlus”的合作模式下 将进一步推出增程式动力车型、中大型5座等

Chongqing Changan Automobile: Under the "HIPlus" cooperation model, further extended-range powered models and mid-to-large 5-seat autos will be launched.

Breakings ·  Nov 29, 2024 20:41

The company plans to invest over 50 billion in the next five years, laying out integrated transportation solutions for land, sea, and air, and entering the humanoid robot field. Aiming to launch the Changan flying car product before 2026, it is accelerating its transformation into an asia vets low-carbon transportation technology company. The Avita 07 is the first demonstration case of the collaboration model with Huawei's "HIPlus," integrating the latest technological achievements from CHN. After its launch, it continued to be popular and has become Avita's block orders product, with cumulative deliveries surpassing 0.012 million units. Under the "HIPlus" cooperation model, Avita will not only continue to refine existing models but will also further launch extended-range powered models, mid-to-large 5-seater autos, and large 6-seater SUVs; plans are also underway for series products like 300km+/hour sports cars and MPVs to meet users' diversified and all-scenario vehicle needs, accelerating the creation of an international high-end brand.

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