
沪深300指数更换16只样本 赛力斯、百利天恒等调入指数

The Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index replaced 16 samples, and Cyrus, Baili Tianheng, etc. were transferred to the index

Breakings ·  Nov 29, 2024 18:24

China Securities Index Co., Ltd. announced that it will adjust index samples such as the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, China Securities 500, and China Securities 1000. This adjustment is a regular routine adjustment of the index sample. The regular adjustment plan will officially take effect after the market closes on December 13. The Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index replaced 16 samples; Cyrus, Baili Tianheng, etc. were transferred to the index; the China Securities 500 Index replaced 50 samples; Longxin Zhongke and Tuojing Technology transferred to the index; the China Securities 1000 Index replaced 100 samples, and Shanghai Beiling and Shengke Communications transferred to the index. In addition to the above indices, samples of other indices will also be adjusted accordingly.

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