
已有20家银行发布中期分红方案 六大行拟分红金额均超百亿元

A total of 20 banks have announced their interim dividend plans, with the six major banks planning to distribute more than 10 billion yuan each.

Breakings ·  Nov 29, 2024 03:23

As of November 28, a total of 20 A-share listed banks have released their interim profit distribution plans. The mid-term dividends of the six large state-owned commercial banks (industrial and commercial bank of china, agricultural bank of china, bank of china, china construction bank corporation, bank of communications, postal savings bank of china) will mostly be implemented in January 2025, with the planned dividend amounts all exceeding 10 billion yuan. In addition, some urban and rural commercial banks' mid-term dividend implementation plans are already at the board of directors' proposal stage but have not been formally implemented yet.

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