

So far, usa's online sales for Thanksgiving this year have increased by about 4%.

Breakings ·  Nov 29, 2024 08:08

So far, this year, Thanksgiving Day online sales in the USA have increased by about 4%. Data from Salesforce on Thursday showed that online sales in the first half of the Thanksgiving holiday season in the USA increased by about 4%, compared to only 2% growth in the same period last year. This is a new sign of retailers attracting consumers with significant discounts. This year, US retailers have been releasing bolder discounts ahead of time and increasing their holiday offers to attract more budget-conscious shoppers' attention. Earlier this week, best buy CEO Corie Barry stated, "Projected decrease in demand during promotional activities, but the impact is greater than expected." Target executives also mentioned that the response to this year's promotional activities is stronger than expected.

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