

Espressif Systems: Processors with connectivity features form a competitive advantage.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 22:14

Espressif Systems stated in the investor relations activity record that various cloud-based large models have appeared on the market. Espressif provides processors with connectivity features, which is a key step in applying AI large models to edge devices. Desktop robots and AI companion products are the first to be implemented. The combined application of AI + trendy play will drive the enthusiasm for consumption of Generation Z and Alpha Generation. Espressif's wireless SoC is the ideal choice for edge computing devices. Large models typically require powerful cloud-based computing power, but during implementation, terminal devices need to be connected and capable of handling certain tasks such as voice wake-up, recognition, or local responses to device status. Leveraging Espressif's extensive influence in the developer community, the company's products often appear in innovative applications.

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