

China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings: The bondholders' meeting approved the proposal on repurchasing company stocks through centralized competitive trading.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 19:48

On November 28, China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings (001979.SZ) disclosed the announcement of the first bondholders' meeting resolution for 2024. The announcement indicated that the proposal on repurchasing company stocks through centralized competitive trading was approved during the meeting. The types of stocks to be repurchased are RMB ordinary shares (A shares) of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings that have been domestically issued and listed; the repurchased stocks will be completely cancelled and will reduce the company's registered capital. The repurchase price will not exceed 15.68 yuan per share (inclusive), with this upper limit price not exceeding 150% of the average trading price of the company's stocks for the 30 trading days prior to the board of directors' approval of the repurchase resolution. The total repurchase fund amount will be no less than 0.351 billion yuan (inclusive) and no more than 0.702 billion yuan (inclusive), with the actual total fund amount used for repurchasing stocks at the end of the repurchase period as the specific repurchase fund amount. Based on the upper limit of the repurchase amount, the estimated number of repurchased shares is approximately 44.7704 million shares, accounting for about 0.49% of the company's current total outstanding shares; based on the lower limit of the repurchase amount, the estimated number of repurchased shares is approximately 22.3852 million shares, accounting for approximately 0.25% of the company's current total outstanding shares; the specific repurchase quantity will be based on the actual number of shares repurchased at the end of the repurchase period.

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