

Longhu Bang | Today, institutions bought these 15 stocks, selling 0.359 billion yuan of Solareast Holdings.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 19:31

After-hours data shows that in the Longhu Bang on November 28th, a total of 34 individual stocks had the presence of institutions, with 15 stocks showing net institutional buying and 19 stocks showing net institutional selling. The top three stocks with net institutional buying that day were CMST Development, Nanjing Chemical Fibre, and Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology, with net buying amounts of 0.1 billion yuan, 98.14 million yuan, and 53.39 million yuan respectively. The top three stocks with net institutional selling that day were Solareast Holdings, Shandong Sunway Chemical Group, and Guoguang Electric, with net outflow amounts of 0.359 billion yuan, 0.117 billion yuan, and 71.26 million yuan respectively.

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