

Dagang holding group: Plans to jointly invest with related parties to establish a joint venture company.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 18:19

Dagang holding group announced that the company plans to jointly invest with Qihua machinery and chairman Wang Yan to establish "Shaanxi Dagang Industrial Co., Ltd.", with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Among them, the company will invest 4.5 million yuan, accounting for 45% of the registered capital; Qihua machinery will invest 3.5 million yuan, accounting for 35%; Wang Yan will invest 2 million yuan, accounting for 20%. This investment aims to optimize resource allocation, reduce management costs, revitalize the assets of the sse high-end equipment manufacturing 60 index sector, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of core employees. The investment matter has been approved by the board of directors, and the independent directors' special meeting has agreed, believing that this trade can promote the continuous and stable development of the company's sse high-end equipment manufacturing 60 index sector business, which is in line with the company's global strategy and operational actual needs.

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