

Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp.: Plans to acquire control of Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 18:17

Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp. announced that since July 2023, it has acquired a total of 31.787 million shares of Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus through agreement transfer, centralized bidding, and bulk trading, accounting for 24.0673% of its total equity, with a cumulative investment amount of approximately 0.98 billion yuan, becoming the largest shareholder of Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus. The company plans to confirm its controlling status over Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus and become its controlling shareholder by nominating and deciding the selection of more than half of the board of directors' members.

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