
多家券商披露回购进展 “注销式”回购渐成气候

Multiple brokerages have disclosed progress on share repurchases, with 'cancellation-style' repurchases gradually becoming more popular.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 04:20

Since this year, multiple listed brokerage firms and entities have announced share buyback plans or disclosed the latest progress on buybacks, among which 'cancellation-style buybacks' have significantly increased, reflecting the commitment of various brokerages to convey confidence with real money and silver, and to focus on delivering returns to investors. So far this year, more than 10 listed brokerage firms and entities including orient, east money information, htsc, gtja have disclosed repurchase plans or updated the 'progress bar' on buybacks. Multiple brokerages unanimously stated that the reason for repurchasing shares is based on confidence in the company's continuous development and a high level of recognition of the company's value, as well as to protect investors' interests and enhance market confidence.

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