

hk->sz appeared on the龙虎榜 of 12 stocks.

Breakings ·  Nov 27, 2024 19:56

According to statistics from zhejiang netsun, on November 27, a total of 45 stocks were listed on the龙虎榜, among which 12 stocks featured the specialized seat of hk->sz in the top five trading departments. The net purchases included sichuan development lomon, leo group co.,ltd., and zhejiang jinke tom culture industry, with net purchase amounts of 98.8767 million yuan, 61.0195 million yuan, and 42.0607 million yuan respectively. The net sales included guangdong guanghua sci-tech, guoguang electric, and zhejiang netsun, with net sale amounts of 26.4134 million yuan, 9.0986 million yuan, and 3.8357 million yuan respectively.

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