

Harbin Boshi Automation: Signed a sales contract for a complete set of packaging palletizing equipment totaling 53 million yuan.

Breakings ·  Nov 27, 2024 15:44

Harbin Boshi Automation announced that the company recently received a business contract signed with Shaanxi Coal Shanxi Energy Chemical Group Limited. The contract amount is 53 million yuan. The subject of the contract is a complete set of packaging palletizing equipment (including embedded software). The contract will be effective after the legal representatives of both parties or their authorized agents sign and affix the contract seal or company chop. The delivery date is within 10 months after signing the technical agreement, and the payment method is for the buyer to pay the seller in stages with advance payment and corresponding payments. The contract will have a positive impact on the company's performance in 2025 or 2026 as the company has the capability to fulfill it in terms of funds, personnel, technology, and production capacity. There is no affiliation between the company and the counterparty, and the signing and fulfillment of the contract will not affect the company's business independence.

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