

Wall Street banks benefit from trading Israeli mmf and ​bonds.

Breakings ·  Nov 26, 2024 17:37

Due to the fluctuations caused by the 14-month war in the Middle East, top global investment ​banks are expected to earn the highest income in five years from trading Israeli bonds and currencies. Data from Vali Analytics Ltd shows that ​banks are expected to achieve Fixed Income, Currency, and Commodity (FICC) revenues related to Israel of 0.475 billion USD in 2024, an increase of over 10% compared to 2023, mainly due to increased volatility of the Israeli currency, the Shekel. The revenue growth indicates how global banks are profiting from the fluctuations in Israeli asset prices as Israel's wars in Gaza and Lebanon continue. The conflicts have exacerbated Israel's inflation, restricted economic growth, and increased borrowing costs. According to an insider, ​jpmorgan is expected to be the most profitable among the 10 global banks surveyed by the data company, having made approximately 70 million USD in profit from such trades so far this year.

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