
中国软件:子公司拟挂牌出售中标慧康股权 并注销两家全资子公司

China National Software & Service: The subsidiary plans to publicly list for sale its shares in Zhongbiao Huikang and to deregister two wholly-owned subsidiaries.

Breakings ·  Nov 26, 2024 05:24

China National Software & Service announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zhongbiao Software Co., Ltd., intends to publicly list for sale through the property trading market all of its 43.4095% shares in Zhongbiao Huikang Technology Co., Ltd., with a listing price no less than the net asset assessment value of Zhongbiao Huikang approved by state assets. Zhongbiao Huikang's main business is the development and sale of Asia Vets editors, but it has continued to incur losses in recent years. Furthermore, the company has decided to deregister two wholly-owned subsidiaries, Zhongruan (Huaian) Digital Co., Ltd. and Zhongruan Yunchuang (Chengdu) Information Technology Services Co., Ltd. Deregistering these companies is beneficial for reducing management costs, controlling operational risks, and promoting long-term development.

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