
连锁超市接连启动改造 上海世纪联华超市升级店商品均价下降10%-15%

Chain supermarkets have successively started renovations, with the average price of commodities in upgraded stores of Shanghai's Century Lianhua Supermarket decreasing by 10% to 15%.

Breakings ·  Nov 26, 2024 14:53

On November 26, Century Lianhua announced that its stores in Shanghai had completed a comprehensive renovation. It is reported that after the upgrade, each store of Shanghai's Century Lianhua supermarkets has removed more than 2800 items on average based on the shopping habits of local residents, added about 5200 items, eliminated inefficient redundant products, and added products that meet new lifestyle demands. The average selling price of commodities has decreased by 10% to 15%, and they have offered a promise of "buying more expensive within three kilometers, the price difference will be refunded" (Beijing Business Daily).

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