

In 2024, the additional commission income for vipshop alliance partners and promoters increased by 43%.

Breakings ·  Nov 25, 2024 19:08

Recently, vipshop hosted the vipshop Alliance Summit in Guangzhou. At the summit, vipshop announced that it will continuously enhance its service level, increase investment, and promote the sustainable increase in income for vipshop Alliance partners and promoters through policies, products, and technological empowerment, ultimately achieving high-quality coordinated development between the platform and the alliance. Data shows that in 2024, with more investment from the platform and brands, vipshop Alliance partners and promoters will see a 43% increase in additional commission income. As of November 2024, over 6,000 top brands and over 2 million commodities have been selected for the vipshop Alliance pool.

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