
华丰股份:公司股票价格近期涨幅较大 可能存在短期涨幅较大后的下跌风险

Power HF Co., Ltd.: The company's stock price has recently increased significantly, which may pose a risk of a decline after a substantial short-term rise.

Breakings ·  Nov 25, 2024 17:12

Power HF Co., Ltd. announced that the closing price of its stock has deviated by over 20% during the trading days of November 20, 21, and 22, 2024, and hit the upper limit again on November 25. From November 20 to November 25, 2024, the trading price of the company's stocks has increased by a total of 29.93%, leading to concerns about a potential decline after a large short-term increase. The company's main business has not changed, internal production and operational activities are normal, and there have been no significant adjustments in the market environment or industry policies. The company achieved a revenue of 0.729 billion yuan from January to September 2024, a year-on-year decrease of 27.69%; the net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 52.4706 million yuan, down 11.48% year-on-year. The company is still in the research and development stage for a new type of energy storage battery in collaboration with the Shanghai Institute of Silicate Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and there is uncertainty regarding its industrial application.

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