
首批调改店成效初显、陆续关闭上百家门店 永辉寻找零售最优解

The effectiveness of the first batch of adjusted stores is becoming apparent, with hundreds of stores closing as Yonghui seeks the optimal solution in retail.

Breakings ·  Nov 24, 2024 18:50

Yonghui is still seeking a balance between upgrades and store closures. On November 24, reporters visited the Yonghui Xilongduo store and found that after a month of operation following adjustments, customer traffic was gradually stabilizing. Data released by Yonghui showed that the cumulative sales in the first month of the store's opening reached 41.1 million yuan, with average daily sales of 1.326 million yuan, an increase of nearly five times compared to the average of 0.28 million yuan before the renovation; the average transaction value was 126 yuan, up nearly 60% from 70-80 yuan before the renovation. Despite the clear effectiveness of the adjustments, it was found that Yonghui had closed a total of 128 stores over the past four months. Even with some success in adjustments, Yonghui still faces pressure to maintain the majority of its stores. It is worth noting that the retail industry is still undergoing a reshuffle, and learning from the experiences of Pang Donglai may not be universally applicable, and how to master its own core advantages remains a topic for Yonghui to ponder. (Peking Business Daily)

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