

memsensing microsystems(suzhou, china)co.,ltd.: Hydraulic transmission has small batch shipments through a well-known Tier1 supplier.

Breakings ·  Nov 22, 2024 21:39

Memsensing Microsystems (Suzhou, China) Co., Ltd. stated at the analyst meeting that as of the first three quarters of this year, the company’s acoustic product shipments have been significant and have repeatedly set new highs. With the launch of the latest version of the AI large model, many current downstream customers have product iteration needs, such as new voice assistants, and these new application demands will bring about a need for products with higher signal-to-noise ratio indicators. The main application direction for autos currently is hydraulic drive, primarily in chassis brake control applications, and there have been small batch shipments through a well-known Tier 1 manufacturer, with progress being smooth. In the future, this application can also be used in the vehicle's air conditioner heat pump.

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