

Hytera Communications Corporation: The total guarantee amount reaches 3.53 billion yuan.

Breakings ·  Nov 22, 2024 20:08

Hytera Communications Corporation announced that it and its subsidiaries, Nanjing Hytera Software, Tianjin Hytera, Hytera Technology Services, Shenzhen Hytera Communications, Nosatek, and Hebi Tianhai respectively signed the "Maximum Guarantee Contract" with China CITIC Bank Corporation. Due to the change of property ownership under Shenzhen Hytera Communications to Nosatek, Nosatek provided a mortgage guarantee of no more than 0.5 billion yuan based on its property for the company, and provided a priority mortgage guarantee of no more than 0.4 billion yuan for Hytera Technology Services. After the change, the total guarantee amount of the company and its holding subsidiaries is 3.53 billion yuan, with external guarantee balance of 0.668 billion yuan, and no overdue guarantees.

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