

Jiangxi synergy pharmaceutical: obtained the registration certificate for rivaroxaban tablets.

Breakings ·  Nov 22, 2024 16:45

Jiangxi synergy pharmaceutical announced that the company recently received the 'Pharmaceutical Registration Certificate' for rivaroxaban tablets approved by the National Medical Products Administration. This pharmaceutical is an oral Xa indicator inhibitor used for the prevention and treatment of thrombotic events in adults and children. The product was originally developed by Bayer and was launched in Europe in 2008, and approved for sale domestically in 2009. Currently, the main holders of the market license for this pharmaceutical in the country include Nanjing Hicin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and others, totaling 56 companies. In 2023, sales of rivaroxaban tablets in urban, county-level, and township-level public hospitals in our country amounted to approximately 1.74 billion yuan. The active pharmaceutical ingredient for this product is produced by the company, which helps to enhance market competitiveness.

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