
“5G+工业互联网”融合迎风 上市公司透露新成果新进展

"5G+industrial internet" integration advances as listed companies reveal new achievements and progress.

Breakings ·  Nov 22, 2024 06:28

On November 19, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched the construction of the first batch of "5G + Industrial Internet" integrated application pilot cities. Ten pilot cities, including Nanjing, wuhan, and Qingdao, will create "5G + Industrial Internet" industrial clusters and innovation ecosystems with nationwide and regional leading effects. Following the announcement, several A-share listed companies, including weifu high-technology group and business-intelligence of oriental nations corporation, showcased their construction achievements and latest progress in the fields of 5G and industrial internet through platforms such as Interactive Easy. Overall, many A-share companies have already strategically positioned themselves in various niche markets like 5G factories, industrial software, and industrial databases. With the launch of the first batch of "5G + Industrial Internet" integrated application pilot cities, these companies' industrial development is embracing new opportunities. (Shanghai Securities Journal)

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