

BOC International: Konfoong Materials International's income continues to increase quarterly, maintaining a "shareholding" rating.

Breakings ·  Nov 21, 2024 02:56

BOC International research report points out that with the global semiconductor industry development and the expansion of the company's target materials and precision components production lines, Konfoong Materials International (300666.SZ) has maintained a quarterly increase in income since 2023Q2. In 2024Q3, both income and net income attributable to mother have maintained high year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter growth rates. The company actively plans for ultra-high-purity target materials and third-generation semiconductor key materials. Additionally, in 2023, a South Korean subsidiary was established with plans to build a semiconductor target material production factory in South Korea, which will help enhance the company's international competitiveness and supply chain stability. Taking into account the growth potential of the company's target materials and precision components business under the wave of controllable independence, profit forecasts have been raised, bullish on the accelerated production of the company's ultra-high-purity target materials and precision components, maintaining a "shareholding" rating.

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