
土耳其央行本周或连续第八个月维持主要利率 12月或开启降息周期

The Central Bank of Turkey is likely to maintain its main interest rate unchanged for the eighth consecutive month this week, but may start a rate cut cycle in December.

Breakings ·  Nov 20, 2024 04:45

This week, the Central Bank of Turkey is highly likely to keep its main interest rate unchanged for the eighth consecutive month, but policymakers may signal the start of an easing cycle as early as December. Economists expect the Monetary Policy Committee to keep the one-week repo rate unchanged at 50% on Thursday. However, policymakers are expected to soften their language in the accompanying statement, hinting that a rate cut may be on the horizon. However, economists at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley still believe that the first rate cut may not be implemented until January next year.

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