
美团2000万美元在合肥成立合骑科技公司 含AI相关业务

Meituan has established Hefei Heqi Technology Company with an investment of 20 million USD, including ai-related businesses.

Breakings ·  Nov 20, 2024 14:38

According to the Tianyancha App, recently, Hefei Heqi Technology Co., Ltd. has been established, with Sun Keqing as the legal representative, registered capital of 20 million USD, and its business scope includes software development, research and development of siasun robot&automation, research and development of internet of things technology, development of ai basic software, network and csi information security index software development, and consulting services in information technology, etc. Shareholder information indicates that the company is wholly owned by Xigua Limited, a subsidiary of Meituan.

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