
龙蟠科技:从二季度起 公司磷酸铁锂板块维持较高产能利用率

Jiangsu Lopal Tech: Since the second quarter, the company's lithium iron phosphate sector has maintained a high capacity utilization rate.

Breakings ·  Nov 19, 2024 14:06

On November 19, Jiangsu Lopal Tech (603906) stated at the 2024 third quarter performance briefing that the company's lithium iron phosphate sector has been in a state of high capacity utilization since the second quarter of this year, with lithium iron phosphate sales in the first three quarters increasing by 77.6% year-on-year. However, the current stage of high supply and demand contradictions and homogeneous competition in the industry continue, and the overall industry is still in a recovery period. In the future, the company will achieve a new profit growth curve through the release of overseas capacity and differentiated high-end high-pressure products.

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