

Haisco Pharmaceutical Group: Obtained the IND application acceptance notice for the innovative drug HSK44459 tablets.

Breakings ·  Nov 18, 2024 17:04

Haisco Pharmaceutical Group announced that the company recently received the acceptance notice issued by the National Medical Products Administration, which accepts the clinical trial application for the domestic production registration of HSK44459 tablets intended for the treatment of Behçet's disease. HSK44459 tablets are a brand new drug developed independently by the company, classified as a category 1 chemical drug. Preclinical studies show that this drug has clear targets, definite efficacy, and good safety, and is expected to become an effective treatment for Behçet's disease, addressing the current shortage of clinical medications. The company had previously received the clinical trial notification for the drug's indication of 'interstitial lung disease' and is currently conducting phase I clinical studies. This application is for the clinical trial of the Behçet's disease indication.

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