

Amperelong: Received the bid notice for the auto client project.

Breakings ·  Nov 14, 2024 19:14

Amparon announcement, the company recently received a bid notification from a leading domestic new energy automotive company, confirming the company's supply of EHB brake system pressure sensors to the customer. According to customer forecasts, the lifecycle of this bid project is 5 years, with a bid order cycle of 1 year, and the estimated total amount is approximately 40.2 million RMB. The bid project is expected to start delivery in the first quarter of 2025, with no significant impact on the 2024 annual performance. If subsequent orders are successfully converted, it is expected to have a positive impact on the company's operational performance in 2025. The company and its subsidiaries have no affiliation with this customer, and the above transaction is not considered a related party transaction.

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