

tianma microelectronics: Currently, the two flexible oled production lines maintain a good utilization rate.

Breakings ·  Nov 14, 2024 12:46

Recently, tianma microelectronics (000050) stated during an institutional survey that in the first three quarters of this year, the company's oled mobile business has maintained rapid growth, with significantly improved product specifications. The shipment volume of mobile panels from two flexible oled production lines has increased by approximately 76% year-on-year, and there has been continuous progress in technological innovation and brand project penetration. Currently, demand for downstream oled mobile display products remains stable, and the two flexible oled production lines maintain a good operating rate, actively supporting flagship model development and mass production for multiple brand clients. As the penetration of flexible oled technology in the mobile display field continues to rise, the average price of flexible oled mobile panels has shown significant recovery compared to last year, and is currently stable, but will fluctuate dynamically based on external demand and specifications.

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