

Yesterday, 31 stocks had a net buy financing of over 0.1 billion yuan, with chongqing sokon industry group stock net buying 0.64 billion yuan.

Breakings ·  Nov 14, 2024 09:16

A total of 1903 stocks had net buy financing yesterday, and 1737 stocks had net sell. Among the stocks with a net buying amount exceeding 0.1 billion yuan, there are 31, with chongqing sokon industry group stock having the highest net buying amount of 0.64 billion yuan, followed by contemporary amperex technology and china united network communications with net buys of 0.573 billion yuan and 0.483 billion yuan respectively. There were 11 stocks with net sell amounts exceeding 0.1 billion yuan, with the top three being ofilm group co., ltd, kangmei pharmaceutical, and china yangtze power, with net sells of 0.359 billion yuan, 0.296 billion yuan, and 0.234 billion yuan respectively.

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