
盛达资源:各下属矿山稳步开展探矿增储工作 预计未来两年会有较明显增量

Shengda Resources: Each of the subsidiary mines is steadily carrying out exploration and reserve increasing work, expecting a significant increase in the next two years.

Breakings ·  Nov 13, 2024 22:43

Shengda Resources stated at today's investor communication meeting that all subsidiary mines are steadily conducting exploration and reserve increasing work, with a significant increment expected in the next two years. The construction of the mining project with an annual mining capacity of 0.25 million tons at the Bayannur silver polymetallic mine under Dongsheng Mining is currently underway. Once it is completed and put into production, it will increase the company's silver metal output. After the completion of the technical transformation at Jinshan Mining, the production capacity will gradually increase to the approved production scale of 0.48 million tons per year, and once this scale is achieved, the feasibility of expanding production capacity will be further validated. Yindu Mining is currently integrating mining rights with surrounding exploration rights covering 1.43 square kilometers. Once the integration of mining rights is completed, Yindu Mining's silver metal output can also be moderately supplemented. The company will continue to promote mergers and acquisitions of high-quality precious metals native mineral resource projects like silver and gold, enhancing the company's sustainable profitability. The subsidiary mines of the company aim to achieve production capacity at the approved production scale in the next two years.

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