

Huaiji Dengyun Auto-Parts: The controlling shareholder will change from Yike Ruihai to Juyike.

Breakings ·  Nov 11, 2024 23:12

Huaiji Dengyun Auto-Parts announced that the controlling shareholder Yike Ruihai and Juyike signed a "Share Transfer Agreement", where Yike Ruihai plans to transfer 25.703 million shares held by Juyike, accounting for 18.63% of the total share capital, at a transfer price of 0.374 billion yuan. This equity change involves an agreement transfer between different entities under the same ultimate controller, resulting in a change of the company's controlling shareholder without changing the actual controller. After this equity change, Juyike will hold 25.703 million shares of Huaiji Dengyun Auto-Parts, accounting for 18.63% of the total share capital, becoming the controlling shareholder; Yike Ruihai will hold 6.9 million shares, accounting for 5% of the total share capital. This share transfer is conducted through an agreement transfer method and does not involve secondary market reduction. This share transfer still needs to obtain confirmation of compliance review from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and there is uncertainty.

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