

Frontier Biotech: Subsidiary passes pharmaceutical GMP compliance inspection

Breakings ·  Nov 6, 2024 18:48

Frontier Biotech announced that the company has received the 'Drug Supplementary Application Approval Notice' approved and issued by the National Medical Products Administration, approving Aikening to add 'Sichuan Frontier Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.' as an active pharmaceutical ingredient supplier. At the same time, the subsidiary Sichuan Frontier received the 'Chemical Raw Materials for Pharmaceuticals Market Approval Notice', approving the domestic production of Aikening chemical raw materials for pharmaceuticals. In addition, the active pharmaceutical ingredient production line of Sichuan Frontier passed the drug GMP compliance inspection and obtained the 'Drug GMP Compliance Inspection Notice'. This will help ensure the long-term stable supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients for Aikening, further reduce production costs, and have a positive impact on the company's operation and development.

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