
精锻科技:实控人提议1亿元-2亿元回购股份 获得建行1亿元股票回购贷款承诺书

Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging: The controlling shareholder proposed a share buyback of 0.1 billion to -0.2 billion yuan and obtained a commitment letter for 0.1 billion yuan share buyback loan from Construction Bank.

Breakings ·  Nov 5, 2024 20:37

Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging announced that the actual controllers, Xia Han Guan and Huang Jing, proposed to use their own funds and bank loans to repurchase the company's shares, in order to reduce the registered capital and implement employee shareholding plans or stock-based incentives. The types of shares to be repurchased are the RMB ordinary shares issued by the company, with a total repurchase amount not less than RMB 0.1 billion and not more than RMB 0.2 billion. Among them, the repurchase amount intended for employee shareholding plans or stock-based incentives is not less than RMB 30 million, not exceeding RMB 60 million. The repurchase amount intended to reduce registered capital is not less than RMB 70 million, not exceeding RMB 0.14 billion. The source of the repurchase funds is from the company's own funds and a special bank loan for repurchases, with the company's own funds accounting for no less than 30%, and the bank's special loan for repurchases accounting for no more than 70%. On October 25, 2024, the company received a loan commitment letter from the Taizhou Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., agreeing to provide a RMB 0.1 billion stock repurchase loan for the company, with a loan term of one year. The repurchase period shall not exceed 12 months from the date of approval of the share repurchase plan by the shareholders' meeting.

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