Xingyuan Environment Technology announcement: To supplement the company's operation and capital turnover needs for working capital, the company intends to apply for a loan amount not exceeding 0.4 billion yuan from New Investment Group. The loan has a term of three years, with an annual interest rate of 4% for the first two years, and the possible adjustment of the interest rate by New Investment Group afterwards. New Investment Group is a legal person holding more than 5% of the shares of the listed company, constituting a related party transaction. This loan does not require collateral, has a short approval time, and compared to other financing methods, it offers greater flexibility and convenience, beneficial for balancing the company's working capital and reducing short-term liquidity pressure. This related party transaction will not have a significant impact on the company's financial condition, operational results, and independence.
Xingyuan Environment Technology: Intends to borrow no more than 0.4 billion yuan from New Hope Group Limited.
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