
电气风电:公司股票交易异常波动 目前生产经营活动正常

Electrical wind power: The company's stocks are experiencing abnormal fluctuations in trading. Currently, the production operation activities are normal.

Breakings ·  Nov 5, 2024 03:37

Electric Wind Power announced that its stocks had deviated by more than 30% in cumulative daily closing prices for two consecutive trading days on November 4 and November 5, 2024, which constitutes abnormal fluctuations in the star board stock auction trading. Following a self-inspection by the company and written consultation with the controlling shareholder, the company's daily operations remain normal with no significant changes. There are no major undisclosed matters for the company and its controlling shareholder. The company has not identified any media reports or market rumors that require clarification or response and could significantly impact the trading price of the company's stocks. Additionally, neither the controlling shareholder nor the directors, supervisors, or senior management of the company engaged in buying or selling the company's stocks during this period of abnormal stock price fluctuations.

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