
申万宏源:维持新和成“增持”评级 新材料规划项目顺利推进

Swhy: Maintains zhejiang nhu 'shareholding' rating, and the new materials planning project progresses smoothly.

Breakings ·  Nov 5, 2024 16:00

Swhy research reports pointed out that zhejiang nhu (002001.SZ) third-quarter performance met expectations, with profits reaching a record high, overseas device supply tightening again, and the new materials business progressing smoothly. The average market prices for the company's vitamins VA, VE, VC in the third quarter were 193.05, 124.48, 19.05 yuan/kg, with sequential increases of 123.44%, 77.42%, 0%, as the business climate continues to improve, contributing significantly to the company's performance. The company's projects are progressing well, with economies of scale expected to become increasingly apparent. According to the company's announcement, the 0.15 million ton lysine plant process has been successfully completed, with subsequent capacity enhancements from 0.3 million tons to 0.37 million tons/year, and the 0.18 million tons/year liquid lysine (crystalline) project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, entering the top tier globally for lysine production. The new materials planning project is progressing smoothly, entering the large pesticide market in fine chemicals, and continuously building the "chemical +" and "biological +" platforms. Maintaining a "shareholding" rating.

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