
银河证券:本轮养殖利润有望超市场预期 建议积极布局生猪养殖板块

Galaxy Securities: The current round of farming profits is expected to exceed market expectations, suggesting an active layout of the hog farming sector.

Breakings ·  Nov 5, 2024 08:17

China Galaxy Securities research reports indicate that as of November 1, the PB ratio of the hog farming sector is 2.86 times, with a week-on-week change of -4.98%, placing it in a historically relatively low range. As various provinces in China will gradually enter winter, the focus will be on the impact of the epidemic situation after the temperature drops. Taking into account the value of sows' breeding function and farming efficiency, the supply and demand situation is relatively good. It is recommended to actively layout the hog farming sector, with additional consideration of excellent pig enterprises continuing to reduce costs. In this round, farming profits are expected to exceed market expectations, with a key focus on Wens Foodstuff Group, Muyuan Foods, Tecon Biology Co. Ltd, and Shinong Group.

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