

zhang jia gang freetrade science & technology group: Chairman Tang Yong resigns due to job changes.

Breakings ·  Oct 28, 2024 16:41

In an announcement from zhang jia gang freetrade science & technology group, the Board of Directors received a written resignation report from Chairman Tang Yong on October 28, 2024. Tang Yong resigned from the positions of Chairman and Director of the company due to work-related changes, and will no longer hold any position in the company. According to the relevant regulations, Tang Yong's resignation will not result in the Board of Directors falling below the statutory minimum number of members, and will not affect the normal operation of the Board of Directors. All directors of the company jointly elected Director Zhang Huizhong to act as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and handle the responsibilities of the relevant Board committees on behalf of Tang Yong. Tang Yong holds 411,600 shares of the company's stocks, and the shares held will be strictly managed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

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