
吉峰科技:预计明年农机行业仍将持续低迷 后年可能会有所改善

gifore agricultural science & technology service: It is expected that the agricultural machinery industry will continue to be in a downturn next year and may improve somewhat the year after.

Breakings ·  Oct 28, 2024 15:25

Gifore Agricultural Science & Technology Service, during a visit to institutions on October 26, stated that the agricultural machinery industry is expected to remain in a continued downturn next year, with a possible improvement the year after. The main factors affecting agricultural machinery sales are primarily two. Firstly, the issue of market saturation. When the area of ​​grain planting cannot be further expanded, the agricultural machinery market enters a stock stage, rather than an incremental one. At the same time, with the continuous increase in agricultural machinery horsepower, the demand for agricultural machinery is gradually decreasing in terms of quantity. The second reason is that farmers are not making money from farming, so they are more inclined to reluctantly use old vehicles or even buy used vehicles instead of new ones. Ultimately, grain prices are the decisive factor. In the incremental market stage, the increase in land planting area has driven the growth of the agricultural machinery market, and grain prices only have a temporary impact on sales. But now, this important factor has tended to stabilize, or even decline. So when grain prices are good, farmers may be more willing to upgrade; when grain prices are not good, everyone will slow down.

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