

hengyi petrochemical: intends to use special repurchase loans to repurchase shares

Breakings ·  Oct 23, 2024 10:08

Hengyi Petrochemical announced that the company plans to repurchase shares. The total amount of funds for this repurchase shall not be less than 0.125 billion yuan, nor exceed 0.25 billion yuan. The repurchase price shall not exceed 9.00 yuan per share. The repurchase is intended to be used for implementing employee stock ownership plans or stock-based incentives. The source of repurchase funds includes the company's own funds and special loan funds for share buybacks. As of the date of this announcement, the company has signed a "Working Capital Loan Contract" with authorized branches of the Agricultural Bank of China, with a loan amount not exceeding 0.132 billion yuan (including the principal), a loan interest rate not exceeding 1.75% (including the principal), the purpose of the loan is to repurchase company stocks, and the loan term is 3 years.

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