
QFII最新重仓股曝光 持仓紫金矿业超25亿元

The latest major holdings disclosed by QFII, holding positions in Zijin Mining Group exceed 2.5 billion yuan.

Breakings ·  Oct 23, 2024 16:49

Listed companies are intensively disclosing their third-quarter reports. At the end of the third quarter of 2024, the major holdings and shareholding changes of QFII have surfaced. According to Wind data, as of October 22, 319 listed companies have disclosed their third-quarter reports, with 63 listed companies showing the presence of QFII among the top ten circulating shareholders. In the third quarter, QFII entered the top ten circulating shareholders of 30 new stocks and increased their holdings in 18 stocks. In terms of industries, QFII's holdings in the nonferrous metals industry exceed 3 billion yuan in market value, and its holdings in the basic chemical industry and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery industries both exceed 1 billion yuan in market value. In terms of the ranking of QFII's holdings in market value, the holding value for Zijin Mining Group is 2.594 billion yuan, ranking first; the holdings of Guangdong Haid Group and Satellite Chemical rank second and third respectively, reaching 0.852 billion yuan and 0.62 billion yuan. In addition, QFII's holdings in Qingdao Sentury Tire, Hillstone International, and Huaming Power Equipment all exceed 0.3 billion yuan. (Securities Times)

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