

Zhenghe Ecology: Net profit in the first three quarters was 3.9797 million yuan.

Breakings ·  Oct 22, 2024 16:53

Zhenghe Ecology released its 2024 third quarter report, achieving revenue of 0.246 billion yuan in the first three quarters, a year-on-year increase of 78.28%; net income of 3.9797 million yuan; and basic EPS of 0.02 yuan. In the third quarter, revenue reached 79.9151 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 273.21%; net income was 36.6055 million yuan. During the reporting period, the company focused on the Peking market, won new projects, increased order conversions leading to revenue growth. Additionally, the company's gross profit increased, expenses decreased, credit impairment losses and asset impairment losses decreased, resulting in a year-on-year increase in net income. Furthermore, the company continued to emphasize accounts receivable collection, resulting in an increase in net cash flow from operating activities.

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