

Dongguan reits requested the court to prioritize the proposal rejection in the chaozhou three-circle(group) acquisition refund.

Breakings ·  Oct 22, 2024 07:10

Several sources revealed that the Wuhan Intermediate People's Court determined that Wuhan Jinhong's acquisition of Chaozhou Three-Circle (Group) Limited Company was funded by fraudulent funds, and the acquisition was deemed as fraudulent equity acquisition. It demanded that Hubei Xingchu State-owned Assets Operation Management Co., Ltd., the equity transferor, return the equity acquisition amount of 4.83 billion to Wuhan Jinhong. Following the determination that the acquisition of Three-Circle (Group) was invalid, the party that suffered the largest losses was Dongguan Reits. Dongguan Reits had proposed during subsequent communication meetings, "the funds involved were directly paid to Three-Circle (Group), requesting the court to prioritize in the 4.83 billion refund," but this proposal was rejected by the court. The court deemed, "Jinhong Group's fraudulent funds are all mixed together, so they should be refunded in proportion."

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