

More than 20 public offerings are competing to report the CSI A500 Index Enhanced Fund.

Breakings ·  Oct 15, 2024 11:18

The China Securities A500ETF traded fiercely on its first day of listing, and fund companies have successively reported related products tracking this index. Tonight, more than 20 companies including GF, Guojin, Huashang, SW Lianxin, Hongli, Pengyang, ZTZG, GTJA AMC, PICC AMC, PUAA, BlackRock, Western Profit, Zhongjia, Changxin, Xingye, FG, Bode, Rongtong, CMB, Sinolink Global, and Galaxy have reported the China Securities A500 Index-enhanced fund. From the reporting companies perspective, both domestic and foreign public funds, brokerage asset management, and insurance asset management are involved. CMB and FG have also reported enhanced products after the China Securities A500ETF, and all applications have been accepted by the regulators.

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