
涉诱导使用“刷脸”支付等违法违规收集人脸信息问题 申通地铁被多部门约谈

Shanghai Shentong Metro was interviewed by multiple departments regarding the issue of inducing the illegal collection of facial information such as using 'facial recognition' for payments.

Breakings ·  Oct 15, 2024 15:40

The Shanghai Cyberspace Administration announced on the 14th that recent inspections revealed that some metro stations had vending machines that were illegally collecting facial information by encouraging the use of 'facial recognition' for payments. They have jointly interviewed Shanghai Shentong Metro Assets Management Co., Ltd. and three involved vending machine operation companies with the Shanghai Market Supervision Administration and the Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, requiring the companies to make immediate and comprehensive corrections. At the same time, they guided Shanghai Shentong Metro to conduct a thorough rectification of the widespread misuse of facial recognition technology in vending machines at metro stations citywide. After investigating vending machines leased and operated by 14 companies in metro stations citywide, they found a total of 1,462 machines. Among them, 829 machines with issues have had their facial payment function suspended, and will be relaunched after completing the necessary corrections.

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