
中航电测:股票交易异常波动 公司经营情况及内外部环境未发生重大变化

Zhonghang Electronic Measuring Instruments: Stocks are experiencing abnormal fluctuations. There have been no significant changes in the company's operation or the internal and external environment.

Breakings ·  Oct 10 17:56

A notice from Zhonghang Electronic Measuring Instruments: the trading price of the company's stocks has deviated by more than 30% from the closing price for three consecutive trading days, indicating abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. After verification, there is no need for corrections or additions to the information disclosed by the company earlier; there have been no significant changes in the recent operational situation and internal and external operating environment. In addition, the company is actively advancing the relevant work of issuing shares to purchase assets according to the plan, and this restructuring has not yet been fully implemented. There are no significant undisclosed matters for the company, the controlling shareholder, or the actual controller that should be disclosed or are in the planning stage.

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